Friday, April 24, 2009

Ransomware Takes PC Hostage

Security company Panda writes in their blog about malicious software that takes PC hostage. If user doesn't pay the ransom, PC can't be used. According to Panda, Trj/Smslock.A works differently from most older ransomware. Traditionally, ransomware has for example encrypted important folders and files (e.g. Gpcode). In order to get a decryption key user has been asked to pay ransom to the criminals.

However, Trj/Smslock.A is different from those older ones. It takes whole PC hostage locking the access to the system. Instructions for unlocking are displayed on the screen. The instructions ask user to send an SMS text message with a series of numbers to some service number. In return, user receives a code that will open the lock.

Used language indicates the target victims are Russian speaking users.

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